The relay test systems of the ARTES II generation are operated entirely with the very latest version of the practical ARTES software. This modular software package has been specially developed for the requirements of protection testing by engineers with practical experience in the field. Despite the wide variety of functions and the individual configuration facilities, the operation of the programme is practically oriented. The clear, ergonomic design of the user interface means that the software can be operated intuitively and is easy to learn. The training period is thus reduced to a minimum.
Test Monitors
Generally speaking, all test tasks can be performed using the VD-Monitor included in the system. This test monitor makes it possible to test any protection relay by configuring the generator values manually. In addition, the output signals can be ramp ascending and descending (linear or stepped) within the configured range.
The ARTES software also offers a wide range of convenient test monitors which are specially suitable for testing specific protection functions. Using these monitors can simplify, automate and greatly accelerate tests of various types of relays (overcurrent relays, distance protection relays, etc.). The following monitors are given as examples:
Fully automatic testing of distance protection relays
Fully automatic testing of overcurrent protection relays
Fully automatic testing of differential protection relays
Fully automatic testing of synchronising equipment
Testing of protection equipment using any previously recorded or any generated transient signal. The optional SIGNAL-Editor is an
extension of the TRANSIG-Monitor which can be used to generate any signal characteristic.
The IMP-Monitor makes it easy for the user to test the operating times and impedance zones of distance protection devices. The required fault impedance, which can lie on the straight line representing the power line or in any of the four quadrants of the complex R/X plane, can be selected in the impedance plane or the Z-t diagram.
The programme automatically calculates all the test values (currents and voltages) for the configured fault impedances and the selected fault type. Additionally, the IMP-Monitor offers the possibility of checking the ARC (Auto Reclose) function of a protective device. The aim of the test is to establish the dead time(s) of a successful or unsuccessful ARC operation.